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2021 GEDC Diversity Award Winner

The Global Engineering Deans Council in partnership with George Mason University and Siemens, is proud to announce the winner for the 2021 GEDC Diversity Award, a global award for innovative projects that inspire students of all profiles and backgrounds to study and succeed in engineering. Our committee was ably headed by Sirin Tekinay and included Marshall Sheldon, Natacha DePaola, Elizabeth Croft, Ken Ball, Christian Bolu, Leo Kempel, and myself as a non-voting member.

Patrones Hermosos (Beautiful Patterns) – Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico:
Beautiful Patterns seeks to reduce the gender gap in stem students at a college level in Mexico. It does so by empowering adolescent girls through education. Girls participate in a one-week program learning algorithmic thinking skills and computational tools. It is a program taught by women to women. Female engineering students from MIT and TECde Monterrey teach girls to love stem so they can choose it as a career path. The program consists of a 5-day training camp, 6 hours of work per day plus one hour for lunch, where girls learn different methods and tools to develop logical thinking and computational algorithms with teaching methodology-based on problem solving in an atmosphere of play, fun and conviviality.Video Player

We would like to, once again, extend our sincere thanks on behalf of the GEDC for all the submissions and encourage our community to continue to promote this prestigious award.

For more information about the award and the 2021 finalists, please visit: