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News // Peace Engineering (PENG) for a Sustainable Planet by 2030

January 28, 2022

Peace Engineering (PENG) for a Sustainable Planet by 2030

University of New Mexico, Sandia National Laboratories

Peace Engineering is the application of STEAM principles, sustainable practices, cultural sensitivity and innovation to promote and support peace. It recognizes the important contribution that engineering, the hard and social sciences and other disciplines such as law and finance make toward a world where prosperity, sustainability, security, transparency and a culture of equity and quality thrive. UNM’s Peace Engineering Biome is a transdisciplinary, multi-institutional center charged with leading the Peace Engineering movement nationally and globally.

There are urgent calls to action by the NAE1, the Nobel Prize Summit2, the UN3 and global scientists4 to address and solve, in this decade (2020 – 2030), crucial and widely recognized global challenges to peace and security before they become more complex and more environmentally, financially, and socially costly; before we reach the point of no return.